These days, growers face several problems when producing horticultural crops.
Crops are put at risk by the presence of aerial predators, especially birds and insects. These problems can wipe out the expected results of the crop and generate a great economic loss for the farmer. Of course, aerial predators not only target agricultural crops, they can also attack fruit trees and ornamental flowers.
Birds and other predatory animals can cause devastating effects on both fruits and vegetables. Insects, on the other hand, consume the leaves and stems, hindering the plants’ ability to absorb the necessary nutrients for their growth. This in turn causes the tips of the shoots to break off and affects production.
Growers must be extremely vigilant when it comes to aerial predators attacking their crops, as they multiply very quickly. Without halting the attack early on, the issue might spiral out of control. Key preventive measures to safeguard crops involve removing and eliminating predatory animals, managing insects with insecticides, and setting up physical barriers to deter animals from accessing the crops.
Farmer self-control can be one of the ways to combat aerial predators. This includes harvesting crops as quickly as possible to prevent predators from being able to destroy them. Farmers should also avoid farming practices that are attractive to predators, such as excessive use of pesticides or improper use of adubo, improper harvesting schemes, In addition to these self-control measures, farmers should be aware of the chemicals available to safely combat aerial predators.

Some of these products contain commercial pesticides, while others provide a physical barrier against predators.
At the same time, there are also many non-chemical ways to control aerial predators. For example, there are a wide variety of commercial products available that contain natural substances that are effective against aerial predators. Such as citrus baits or garlic extract. Other products include clothing impregnated with juniper oil or glow baits. These products can function as physical barriers to prevent predator access to crops.
By working together, farmers, government entities and insecticide manufacturers can help reduce damage caused by aerial predators and keep crops pest-free. It is important for growers to keep in mind that proper use of chemicals is an essential part of preventing and controlling aerial predators. Only by taking proper precautions can one ensure that horticultural crops are free of predators.
Damage that can be caused by exposing a horticultural crop to predators
Horticultural crops are an important part of our diets. They contribute vitamins, minerals and fiber to our daily meals and this, in turn, provides us with a better quality of life. However, when a horticultural crop is exposed to predators, the crop can suffer enormous damage or even be destroyed. Losing this crop not only affects us financially, but also affects our quality of life by not being able to rely on the nutrients these crops provide.
Main predators of horticultural crops are wild animals, which see them as the closest source of food. Unprotected horticultural crops are vulnerable to extensive damage from these animals, who consume and destroy fruits and vegetables in their quest for food. This can result in the loss of the entire crop without the possibility of harvesting any food from the crop.
There are other predators that can affect vegetable crops.
Discover the critical significance of water in crop survival and the potential irreversibility of damage caused by lost food, emphasizing the importance of effective protection measures, such as bird netting, to safeguard crops from irrevocable harm.Prolonged droughts or dry spells can significantly impact exposed horticultural crops.
Exposing a horticultural crop to predators means taking a significant risk. Damage caused by these predators, together with problems related to water, weather and natural enemies, can have a major impact on the quantity, quality and yield of the crop. Therefore, it is necessary to protect horticultural crops from predators to prevent damage. This includes everything from fencing and fencing to the use of insecticides and fungicides.
Diseases that a horticultural crop can contract if not protected with anti-bird or butterfly netting

It is important that you take precautions to avoid the possibility of any disease.
One of the best things you can do is to make sure there is a bird or butterfly netting installed in the crop. These nets protect your crops from the entry of these insects and birds, as well as reduce the risk of them bringing diseases to the site. The netting should be well positioned at the borders of your orchards to prevent flycatchers from entering. Be sure to periodically check the netting for any gaps or deformations that could lead to the entry of birds and/or butterflies.
For example, certain birds from tropical or northern European areas can transmit diseases such as fusarium, rust, tomato and tobacco mosaic virus, tobacco blast and tobacco viroid; while in Taraxacum officinale, there is a ferret-borne virus that can lead to the incredibly high number of cases of apple blossom disease.
These insects can carry viral and bacterial diseases, such as tobacco mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, water disease, root rot, tomato spot, ear rot, chlorosis wilt, and anthrax. Other pests that attack plants, such as snails, slugs, cockroaches and bugs can carry pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, which can affect the crop and cause serious damage.
It is essential to install an anti-bird or anti-butterfly netting to protect your orchards and prevent the spread of diseases. This will also allow you to enjoy your crops without having to worry about the effects of pest-borne diseases.